$40 - 2 Week Trial Session Mention Code (2WeekTKD)
$40 - 2 Week Trial Session Mention Code (2WeekTKD)
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Kukkiwon Certification. The Kukkiwon is the recognized governing organization for Olympic or WTF style Taekwondo. Ownership of a Kukkiwon Dan certificate demonstrates international acceptance of Taekwondo skills. This is the highest Dan level certification available in the world today.
As the School is part of the World Taekwondo Headquarters , all belt advancement and certifications are kept on record with the federation. If you happen to move somewhere else in the world, your new instructor can verify who you are and what belt level you should be at, that way you can continue your Color/Black belt journey right where you left off.
Not Always, if your last school provided you a printed certificate you can take a small proficiency test to show you can perform what is expected at the desired belt level.
We have the standard colors (White / Yellow / Orange / Green / Blue / Purple / Brown / Red / Danbo (Black with White stripe) / Black)
If a student truly dedicates themselves to practice their forms/poomsaes, kicks, punches and technique in class and at home. They will have no problem earning their black belt within 3-4 years
Yes, you can order your own or we can order you one, cost is between $30-$50.
If you were to shop around the average cost for a Kukkiwon Certified TaeKwonDo school is between $125 & $200 a month... We here at GMA keep our costs much lower to allow struggling families to be able to afford putting themselves or their children into the sport. (Feel free to ask about the price during your fee class)
Tuition (CC/Cash/Check/Zelle) is due on the 1st of each month with a 5 day grace period
-Late fee will be issued on day 6
We know that students lives sometimes get busy and they need to take small breaks.
- If a student takes a break they are still required to pay their monthly tuition to hold their spot.
- If a student is not planning on coming back and they inform GMA before the 1st of the month then they do not have to pay future tuition
If a student quits and returns at a later date, they will be required to fill out a new application and possibly pay a higher rate if rates have increased.
The answer is yes, Taekwondo students do have an opportunity to earn up to $10k a year in college scholarships, your Instructor can provide you that information upon request.